Clients with a physical disability or mental illness frequently find themselves excluded from climbing activities, as many existing venues limit or prevent access due to the lack of 'suitable' ropes course layouts. However, things are about to change.
Diversity Programs enable people to take physical and emotional risks with the support and encouragement of their peers. The use of challenge courses can promote growth and independence. Participants feel a sense of achievement in completing an activity they perceived beyond their realm of success. For people with disabilities, the benefits of a challenge course experience can be a unique journey of self-awareness and personal growth testing new abilities.
Conventionally, one of the barriers to participation with disabilities has been the design and structure of the challenge course itself and the delivery of the program. Unfortunately, lack of access to the course and staff with minimal understanding of adaptations can prevent full participation by people of all abilities in what is truly a goal-oriented program focused on personal growth. The OC Ropes Course is a model program taking a universal approach to including people of all abilities. People with disabilities are provided the same opportunities to seek adventure and personal challenge as others.
OC Ropes Course has been especially designed with regard to individuals with disabilitys. In this respect, our two main target groups are individuals who are capable of moving independently without aid and those who rely on the use of wheelchairs but are perfectly able to take part in climbing activities by using specially equipment, such as a special 'climbing' chair.
The Adaptive Ropes Course Harness allows anyone with severe disabilities to participate in Challenge course activities. The ARC harness is built with strict regards to participant safety and comfort. The thickly padded, rigid seat keeps pressure off of the hip area. The position of the seated participant is slightly reclined and offers the participant full head support. The easily adjustable leg loops and waist strap keep the participant from scooting out of the front of the harness. The shoulder straps are connected with a sternum strap to keep the participant upright and safely secured. The four point attachment system keeps them stable and in a seated position.
We custom design all of our programs to meet the individual needs of each group. No two programs are exactly alike.
If you have any questions on your program please give us a call and we will be happy to answer them.
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